After adding items to the cart, you can share the cart with others. This allows you to share the products you've added, and the settings you've applied to those products, with others.
You can send it to friends and family or to the photographer. You can also sent it to yourself to create a backup of the cart or to access the cart in another computer.
To share the cart, click on Share Cart at the top of the Shopping Cart.
A panel will appear where you can choose to send the cart to the photographer or send it to a friend (or anyone else).
After making your choice, fill in the appropriate fields then click Share Cart.
When the other party received the email about the share cart, it will contain a link that, when clicked, will add the same items that were in your cart to the recipients shopping cart. The items in the cart will automatically have the products' cropping and product settings applied to them.
Please note: if the gallery that contains the images has been locked with a password, the gallery must first be visited and the password entered before the recipient of the cart will be able to proceed with the order.