Original Photos Page: Ordering Through Your Own Account
At Zenfolio, we’re happy to offer you the opportunity to place orders within your own account - for yourself, or simply on behalf of your clients. Placing an order through your own account allows you to purchase prints and products from our affiliate vendors at base lab prices.
Here’s a video that shows you how to order from your own account; it also shows you how to place a test order through your own account.
Please note that this is a separate process than purchasing from your website as a visitor. If you would like to see how the ordering process works as your visitors would see it, please click here for instructions on placing a test order.
To place an order from within your account, you’ll need to use the Dashboard.
Adding to the Shopping Cart from your account
From the Main Menu within your account, go to the Photos tab.
Navigate to the gallery that contains the photo or photos you would like to order.
Select the photo or photos you would like to order. You can select multiple photos by holding down the Control key (Command key on a Mac) as you click on the images.
Click the Buy button in the bar above the image. A pop-up window will open prompting you to choose which category of photo product you would like to order.
The products displayed will vary based on the lab, currency, and shipping destination selected. You can switch to a different currency and shipping destination by clicking on Settings.
You can limit the products to a specific lab by clicking on Show: All Vendors. -
Select the category that contains the product you’d like to purchase.
Choose the items you would like to purchase. Set the quantity and other options specific to the item.
- Click Add.
Configuring the Product before adding to the Cart
Click Center to center the image into the print. Click Rotate to rotate the image.
As an option, click on one of the color conversion buttons to convert the image to Black and White or Sepia.
Edit the cropping applied to the image by dragging the corners of the orange rectangle.
- Any available product options will be displayed on the right. Here, you can change the paper on which the image will be printed, or find the option to frame it.
Please note the appearance of 2 rectangles in the cropped image: everything within the inner rectangle (just inside the orange rectangle) will be printed. The area outside of the inner rectangle (just inside the orange rectangle) is likely to be printed but may be cropped out during the printing process.
With that said, please take extra caution while cropping your image! We highly recommend that critical parts of the image (such as the head of the subject) be contained within the inner rectangle.
When you've finished configuring the print, click Add to Cart.
Repeat these steps until you've added all of the desired photos and products to the Shopping Cart.
From there you can proceed with completing the order and paying for the products by checking out through the cart.
In addition to ordering through your account, you may also order through your account via the Preview or Website View mode.
Adding Photos and Products to the Shopping Cart from Website View
When logged into your account and ordering from the Website View, you’ll see a selectable option to Use Visitor Prices or Order at Base Prices upon adding items to the shopping cart.
Visitor Prices will use the prices that you've set in your Price List.
- Order at Base Prices will use the base lab costs of products and will display all available and eligible products.
From there, you’ll be able to select products in the very same way that your clients do when they order from your website.
Click HERE for more information on how your clients order products from the Website View of your website.
Changing your Preference
Once you've chosen to use Base Lab prices or Visitor Prices, the system saves the preference as a cookie in your web browser. If you’d like to change your preference, it will require clearing the cookies from the browser. Clearing your cookies will reset the previously selected preference, allowing you to choose a new preference.
Click HERE for how to clear the cookies from your web browser.
Ordering on behalf of your client?
If you’re placing an order on behalf of your client, you’ll want to make sure that you enter your own (not your client's) email address on the Shipping Address page, specifically in reference to the email receipt. Otherwise, your customer may see the prices you paid in the order.
Placing a Test Order
We highly recommend placing a test order before you go live with your website’s shopping experience. Why? Simply stated, it’s the best way to see how the ordering process works as your visitors would experience it, and ensures you’ll be readily equipped to answer any questions that may arise.
An easy way to do this without cost is to create a Coupon that will discount your order 100%. Once you’ve created your coupon, simply go through the buying and checkout process as your visitors would: log out of your account, select a photo, and click “Buy”. You’ll walk step-by-step through your own checkout process as your visitors would, and be able to use the coupon that you created to ensure that the order is at no cost to you.
A second way to test your visitor checkout experience at no cost is simply to create a Self-fulfilled Product or a Digital Product, and add it to a price list assigned to a Gallery (with the Selling Price set at $0.00).
No matter which method you use to test, after your order has been placed you should receive two order confirmation emails: one as the customer (this will go to the email address you entered when placing the order), and one as the owner of your account.
New Photos Page: Ordering Through Your Own Account
At Zenfolio, we’re happy to offer you the opportunity to place orders within your own account - for yourself, or simply on behalf of your clients. Placing an order through your own account allows you to purchase prints and products from our affiliate vendors at base lab prices.
Please note that this is a separate process than purchasing from your website as a visitor. If you would like to see how the ordering process works as your visitors would see it, please click here for instructions on placing a test order.
To place an order from within your account, you’ll need to use the Photos section of your account.
Adding to the Shopping Cart from the Photos section
In the Main Menu within your account, go to the Photos using the menu across the top.
Click on the Gallery that contains the photo or photos you would like to order.
Select the photo or photos you would like to order. You can select multiple photos by holding down the Control key (Command key on a Mac) as you click on the images.
Click Actions. A menu will appear.
- Click Buy Products in that menu. Product Categories will load.
The products displayed will vary based on the lab, currency, and shipping destination selected. You can switch to a different currency and shipping destination by clicking on Settings.
You can limit the products to a specific lab by clicking on Show: All Vendors. -
Select the category that contains the product you would like to purchase.
Choose the items you would like to purchase. Set the quantity and other options specific to the item.
Click Add.
Configuring the Product before adding to the Cart
Click Center to center the image on the print. Click Rotate to rotate the image.
As an option, click on one of the color conversion buttons to convert the image to Black and White or Sepia.
Edit the cropping applied to the image by dragging the corners of the orange rectangle.
Any available product options will be displayed on the right. Here, you can change the paper on which the image will be printed, or find the option to frame it.
Please note the appearance of 2 rectangles in the cropped image: everything within the inner rectangle (just inside the orange rectangle) will be printed. The area outside of the inner rectangle (just inside the orange rectangle) is likely to be printed but may be cropped out during the printing process.
With that said, please take extra caution while cropping your image! We highly recommend that critical parts of the image (such as the head of the subject) be contained within the inner rectangle.
When you've finished configuring the print, click Add to Cart.
Repeat these steps until you've added all of the desired photos and products to the Shopping Cart.
From there you can proceed with completing the order and paying for the products by checking out through the cart.
In addition to ordering through your Photos section, you may also order through your account via the Preview or Website View mode.
Adding Photos and Products to the Shopping Cart from Website View
When logged into your account and ordering from the Website View, you’ll see a selectable option to Use Visitor Prices or Order at Base Prices upon adding items to the shopping cart.
Visitor Prices will use the prices that you've set in your Price List.
Order at Base Prices will use the base lab costs of products and will display all available and eligible products.
From there you will be able to select products in the same way that your clients do when they order from your site.
Click HERE for more info on how your clients order products from the website view of your site.
Changing your Preference
Once you've chosen to use Base Lab prices or Visitor Prices, the system saves the preference as a cookie in your web browser. If you’d like to change your preference, it will require clearing the cookies from the browser. Clearing your cookies will reset the previously selected preference, allowing you to choose a new preference.
Click HERE for how to clear the cookies from your web browser.
Ordering on Behalf of a Client
If you’re placing an order on behalf of your client, you’ll want to make sure that you enter your own (not your client's) email address on the Shipping Address page, specifically in reference to the email receipt. Otherwise, your customer may see the prices you paid in the order.
Placing a Test Order
We highly recommend placing a test order before you go live with your website’s shopping experience. Why? Simply stated, it’s the best way to see how the ordering process works as your visitors would experience it, and ensures you’ll be readily equipped to answer any questions that may arise.
An easy way to do this without cost is to create a Coupon that will discount your order 100%. Once you’ve created your coupon, simply go through the buying and checkout process as your visitors would: log out of your account, select a photo, and click “Buy”. You’ll walk step-by-step through your own checkout process as your visitors would, and be able to use the coupon that you created to ensure that the order is at no cost to you.
A second way to test your visitor checkout experience at no cost is simply to create a Self-fulfilled Product or a Digital Product, and add it to a price list assigned to a Gallery (with the Selling Price set at $0.00).
No matter which method you use to test, after your order has been placed you should receive two order confirmation emails: one as the customer (this will go to the email address you entered when placing the order), and one as the owner of your account.