Visitors have the option of emailing the contents and settings of their shopping cart to others.
By clicking on Share Cart and entering the recipient email, an email will be sent containing the form information and a link to the shopping cart with all current settings such a cropping and color correction settings intact.
When the other party received the email about the share cart, it will contain a link that, when clicked, will add the same items that were in your cart to the recipients shopping cart. The items in the cart will automatically have the products' cropping and product settings applied to them.
Please note: only shopping carts created with visitor pricing can be emailed. Photographers cannot email their own shopping carts when it contains base lab prices.
Remember the Favorites list feature
While this feature is great for sharing cart information with the photographer, it is recommended that your client's use the Favorites List feature when they need to communicate something about a set of images with you instead of doing so through a shared cart.
With Favorites lists, you will have an easier time accessing the photos and you will have more options with what to do with the images. Also you will be able to access the Favorites list even if the client has not shared the list with you.