A blog is a personal online journal consisting of posts typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Blogs are an excellent advertising and marketing tool, used to provide commentary and keep customers and prospective clients informed of your activities. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs or websites as part of a post.
Zenfolio blogging focuses on posts that contain feature photographs. Blog content is fully customizable allowing embeddable media content and even custom coding. Blogs may be added to any site and configured as a built-in page. Comments and moderation is similar to gallery and photo pages.
The blog can be the most useful tool included with the service when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). That is because the blog is the usually the page that is updated with the most new and relevant information- which each blog post having the best possibility of containing the most amount of relevant text and content.
Please click the links below for more details on each blog related subject.
- Creating a new Blog Post
- Adding your Blog to the Site Menu
- Configuring your Blog presentation
- Moderating Blog Post Comments
- Importing your Blog from an External Site
- How to Hide or Remove the Banner from the Blog
- Learn how to add a booking widget to your Blog by adding BookMe
This video covers how to create new blog posts. It also contains extensive information on the best way to add images to the blog post.