Please note: the ability to create Friendly URLs is only available for Starter, Pro and Advanced subscribers, and the ability to use the Client Access page is only available to Pro and Advanced subscribers.
Rather than using a jumble of letters and numbers for your client’s gallery, you actually have the ability to create a Friendly link that will make it much easier for them to remember. Friendly links can be applied to a gallery, group or collection, and are usually a descriptive word that includes only characters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9).
For example: may become
This descriptive word may also be used as a Gallery ID that clients can enter into the Client Access Page to be sent directly to a gallery.
What does your Account look like?
Click on the image that matches your view for instructions specific to your interface.
Original Photos Page: Creating a Friendly Link and Gallery ID
Here’s how to set this up:
- Go to the Photos page of your account.
- Select the Gallery you would like to edit in the Organizer or the Main Area. Related information will be loaded in the Details column.
- Under the Details column click on Sharing & Client Access. A pop-up panel will appear.
- Enter a descriptive word or code in the Gallery ID field. The link can include only characters (A through Z), dashes (-), and numbers (0 through 9). Note: the end of the web address/URL changes to show the Gallery ID
- Click Save to apply. Your friendly link and client Gallery ID will be updated immediately.
Please note that creating friendly links will not break the original link generated for that gallery. However, older friendly links and client Gallery ID's will not be stored.
New Photos Page: Creating a Friendly Link and Gallery ID
Here’s how to set this up:
- In your account. go to the Photos page. In the Organizer column on the far left, select the Gallery/Group/Collection you'd like to edit.
- Click on Access. A window will appear.
- In that window, go to the Sharing tab.
- Click on the Friendly URL switch to toggle it on.
- You will then be able to enter a descriptive word or code in the Enter Gallery ID field. The link can include only characters (A through Z), dashes (-), and numbers (0 through 9). Note: the end of the web address/URL changes to show the Gallery ID
- Click Save to apply. Your friendly link and client Gallery ID will be updated immediately.
Please note that creating friendly links will not break the original link generated for that gallery. However, older friendly links and client Gallery ID's will not be stored.