Exclusive to Pro and Advanced plan subscribers.
The Quick Shop allows your clients to add simple products to their cart with just one click.
You can also display products that require multiple images in the Quick Shop but they will require additional configuration before the product can be added to the cart.
Click HERE for more information on the Quick Shop.
Please watch the video below for a presentation on how to customize the Quick Shop page.
You can customize the Quick Shop by hiding or showing specific elements. You can also change the background color used behind the images.
The Options can be found by going to the Customize Website View of the Quick Shop.
- In your account, go to Photos.
- Navigate to the desired Gallery under the Organizer.
- Hover the mouse pointer over Preview then click on Customize.
Accessing the Customize view using the New Photos Page
- In your account, go to Photos.
- Navigate to the desired Gallery under the Organizer.
- Click on Preview.
- In the Customize view, click on Edit
- Then choose Page from the dropdown menu that appears
The page will refresh with customization tools displayed in a menu across the top of the page confirming that you are now in customization mode.
- Once in the Customize Website View of the gallery, click on Gallery Thumbnails in the top left corner to see the view menu. Click on Gallery Quick Shop in the menu to switch to that view.
- Click on Options to open the Options panel.
Uncheck Use Default Settings For Layout, Theme, and Options to make changes to the Options.
In the Options panel, you can find the following editable elements:
- Shopping Setup - Allows you to disable purchasing from the Quick Shop sidebar or disable purchasing from the Shop page. Click HERE for more details.
- Sidebar - Allows you to set the default view of the Sidebar on the right to 'Hide'. When hidden, clients are required to click the Buy button to see the list of products.
- Add to Favorites - Allows the photographer to disable the ability to add photos to a Favorites list from the Quick Shop page. When hidden, the Heart icon above the images will not be displayed.
- Comments - Allows you to hide the Comments icon from the Quick Shop page. When hidden, the Caption icon, normally displayed across the top of the page, is not shown.
- Sharing - Allows you to display the Share icon. Through the Share icon, site visitors will be able to share links to the Quick Shop page on social media or by email.
- Back button - Allows the photographer to hide the Back button, which is used to navigate back to the gallery.
- Downloads - This is hidden by default. When 'Show' is selected, the Download icon is displayed. This then allows site visitors to download lower-resolution display images for free. If the downloading of full-resolution original images for free is enabled in Access Control, then site visitors will also be able to download full-resolution original images for free through the Download icon (when Download is set to Show).
- Photo Info - The Options found in the Photo Info section are used to allow the photographer to show or hide the photo Titles, Captions, Keywords and Sequence Numbers.
- Background Color - Allows the photographer to change the background color displayed behind the images in the Quick Shop.
- Slideshow - Allows these slideshow options to be edited.
- Each photo duration - This allows you to change the length of time before the site moves to the next image when viewing the slideshow.
- Transition between images - This controls animation used when displaying the next image in the slideshow.
- Loop slideshow images - This allows you to choose whether to allow the slideshow to start over automatically.
- Play in random order - This allows you to choose whether or not the images in the slideshow are displayed in a random order.
- Scale images - When enabled, the display images are scaled up to fill the entire browser window. If not enabled, the display images are only displayed in their native resolutions. Click HERE for more info on display images.
- Sharing - This allows you to choose the sharing methods displayed when Sharing is set to show.
- Embed Code - This allows you to choose which embeddable codes are displayed. This is only available when Sharing has been set to Show.
After customizing the Quick Shop, you may want to save the new settings as the default settings for your Quick Shop pages. This will automatically apply the new settings to all other galleries that use default settings. It will also automatically apply the settings to all new galleries.
To apply all of the settings to your live site, click Publish.
Quick Shop Logo
The use of custom logos is only available for Pro and Advanced plan subscribers.
In the Quick Shop page, your logo can be displayed in the top right corner of the page.
By default, your Header Logo will be displayed in the Quick Shop page (if a logo has been uploaded to the Header Logo). The option is also provided to just show your site's Display Name in the Quick Shop page instead of showing any logo.
The image uploaded for use as the Quick Shop logo is automatically resized to fit the available space but for best fit, we recommend using a logo that is 400 pixels wide and 80 pixels tall.
You can upload a JPEG, GIF, PNG or TIFF file. We recommend using a PNG file with transparency.
To change the Quick Shop logo, you will need to be in Customize Website View.
In your account, hover your mouse pointer over Website then click on Customize Website.
The page will refresh with a new customization menu at the top, confirming that you are in the Customize Website View.
- Click on Site Settings on the left.
- Go to the Logos and Icons tab.
- Mark the circle next to Upload your Quick Shop logo image.
- Click Browse to select the desired file from your computer.
- Click Upload.
- Click Apply to apply your changes.
Click Publish to apply the change to your live website.