Once Comments or Guestbook Entries have been made, you will receive an e-mail to inform you of the Comment or Guestbook Entry. Any entry may also be found and moderated in the Communications section of your account.
Filtering Comments and Guestbook Entries
- In your account, go to the Communications area.
- From there, go to Guestbook and Comments.
- From the drop down menus you have the option to select Needs Approval, Public, or Private.
- From the dropdown menus you have the option to select Guestbook Entries, Photo/Video Comments, or Blog Comments.
- From the dropdown menus you have the option to select a specific group or gallery.
- The search box allows you to search for specific text criteria from the comment itself.
Approving Comments and Guestbook Entries
- In your account, go to the Communications area.
- From there, go to Guestbook and Comments.
- From the first dropdown menu you have the option to select Needs Approval.
- Under the comment, you can click Approve to approve the comment or Delete to remove.
You also have the option to select multiple comments and approve them all at once using the toolbar above the comments
You also have the option to select all comments listed and approve or delete them as a group. Just check the box next to the comment you would like to edit then use the toolbar above the comments to make your change.
Moderating Comments and Guestbook Entries
You can convert Guestbook entires and Comments to be private and only accessible to you the site owner or make the them viewable by the Public.
Please note, Guestbook entries and Comments that are set to Private by the site visitor cannot be converted to be Publicly viewable.
- In your account, go to the Communications area.
- From there, go to Guestbook and Comments.
- From the first dropdown menu you have the option to select Needs Approval.
- Under the comment, you can click Make Private or Make Public or Delete. If the visitor entered their email address, you also have the option to Reply via Email.
You also have the option to select multiple comments to moderate them at once using the toolbar above the comments
You also have the option to select all comments listed and set them to private, public, or delete them as a group. Just check the box next to the comment you would like to edit then use the toolbar above the comments to make your change.