The Zenfolio name and/or logo (or other branding) may appear on a site in areas such as the page header, page footer, and website address.
For Pro and Advanced subscribers, the Zenfolio logo is automatically hidden from all website pages. Please click here for a list of the plans and their differences.
For Starter accounts, the Zenfolio branding is displayed in the Page Header as shown in this example.
A Starter subscriber can upgrade their account at any time to a Pro or Advanced level account, and after doing so, the branding displayed across the top of the page will automatically be removed. Please click here for more information on how to upgrade your account.
Also for Pro and Advanced users, the option to upload and display your own logos is provided.
Custom Domains
When you sign up with Zenfolio, your website is given a web address which is the user name followed The web address would be something like
However, the option is provided to use a Custom Domain to create your own branding and to remove Zenfolio from your web address. The domain will need to be registered and hosted by a domain registrar/host.
Example custom domains include or
Click here for more information about using a custom domain with your Zenfolio site.
Powered by Zenfolio link
Please see this guide for how to remove the Powered By Zenfolio link displayed at the bottom of the page.
URLs for Secure Pages
Please note: for secure pages such as account login pages, credit card entry pages and shopping cart/checkout pages, Zenfolio's name cannot be removed as these pages rely on encrypted transactions. This links cannot be customized as they use Zenfolio security certificates to encrypt and certify the secure transmission of private data.
The secure pages will have a web address in this format -