There are three ways to create a new Gallery , Group, or Collection. When you create Galleries, Groups or Collections, your site is effectively gaining new pages. These are the three ways to create Galleries, Groups and Collections
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Original Photos Page: Create a Gallery, Group, or Collection
1. Using the Organizer Menu
- Go to Photos from the main menu in your account.
- Select the desired group in the Organizer.
- Click New then choose Gallery, Group or Collection from the Organizer Menu that appears. A new one of the selected item will appear within the selected group.
2. Creating a New Gallery, Group, or Collection from the Group's Organizer Menu
- Go to Photos from the main menu in the Dashboard.
- In the Organizer, find the Group into which you wish to add the new gallery, group or collection. Click the Menu arrow to the right to open the Organizer Menu
- New » Gallery, Group or Collection from the Organizer Menu. The new item will be created and opened inside the selected group.
3. Using the Main Area Action Menu
- When a group is displayed in the Main Area, you can create a new gallery, group or collection inside of it by using the Section Menu in the Main Area.
- Select New » Gallery, Group or Collection from the Section Menu in the Main Area.
- A new one will be created inside the Group and will appear in the Main Area.
Once a New Gallery, Group or Collection is created, you can enter a new title for it.
See this guide for how to upload photos and videos to your new gallery.
See the Help section on Access Control for information regarding galleries inheriting access control settings.
New Photos Page: Create a Gallery, Group, or Collection
Note: These screenshots will vary based on your web browser, operating system and operating system version. But the main steps will be similar across most platforms.
In your account, after logging in, your last uploaded/updated Gallery will appear on your screen in the Photos page of your account. If you are not already in the Photos page of your account, simply click on the Photos button to go there. While on this page, there are multiple ways of creating a new Gallery, Group, or Collection within a Group.
Before continuing with any further steps, first, select the Group you want the new item to be located in, from the organizer column on the left side of the Photos page, in the Organizer column.
Option 2. Hover your mouse pointer over the Group title you want to add the item to, click on the dropdown arrow. A dropdown menu will appear, click on New Gallery, New Group, or New Collection.
Option 3. Click on Actions. A dropdown will appear, click on Gallery, Group, or Collection.
Once a New Gallery, Group or Collection is created, you can enter a new title for it.
See this guide for how to upload photos and videos to your new gallery.
See the Help section on Access Control for information regarding galleries inheriting access control settings.