The Pre-Orders feature is available exclusively for Advanced plan subscribers.
By default, the site's Header Logo is displayed in Pre-Order pages. The logo is also displayed in the confirmation page after the client completes their pre-order.
If desired, you can use one custom logo across all the Pre-order pages created in your account.
Using a Custom Logo in Pre-order Pages
The pre-orders page logo can be changed in Site Settings in Customize Website View.
In your account, hover your mouse pointer over Website then click on Customize Website.
The page will refresh with a new customization menu at the top, confirming that you are in the Customize Website View.
Click on Site Settings, in the bottom left, to open the Site Settings panel.
- Go to Logos and Icons.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the options in this tab.
- Mark the circle next to Upload you own custom pre-order logo image.
- Click Choose file or Browse. Look for the file in your computer and select it.
- Click Upload.
- Click Apply.
Publish your changes before exiting Customize Website View to make those changes live on your site.
Note: Only one logo image can be used across all Pre-Order pages, it will not be possible to use different logos on different Pre-Order pages.