When creating Custom Pages and Blog posts, the Formatting Toolbar is used to edit the content of the page or post.
Many of these same options are also available in the Custom Header and Footer as well as for customizing the Blog Welcome and Sidebar.
Here is a breakdown of all of the tools provided in the Formatting Toolbar.
This is used to easily insert images from your site into the content of a custom page. For displaying photos from your site, the photos will need to be contained within a Public Gallery.
You can choose multiple photos at once by holding the Shift key (when using a Windows PC) or the ⌘ key (on a Mac).
After choosing the photo, you may choose the size of the image, border, and spacing around the image. You may also references images outside of your site, as long as you know the image's direct URL. You can also make more image property changes by right-clicking on the image and choosing Image Properties
This is used to display a video in the custom page or blog post. As with Photos, to display a video stored in your site, the video will need to be contained in a Public Gallery.
For videos stored somewhere else (like Youtube or Vimeo), see the Embed tool below.
You can use this tool to insert a slideshow of your images. The images will need to all be contained in a Public Gallery or referenced in a Collection (but still stored in Public Galleries) in order to display them in a slideshow.
The Embed tool is used to embed HTML code that references an action hosted on an external website or server. You can use this to display things like Youtube and Vimeo videos, a custom form, online scheduling tools and any other embeddable HTML code. See this link for more details on Embedding content into a Custom Page.
Undo / Redo
This is used to Undo and Redo changes that you've made since you've last saved your changes.
This is used to change Fonts. Normally, the fonts used in the custom page or blog page are controlled by the fonts selected for the text type (Heading 1, Heading 2, Normal text, etc) in the theme applied to the page. But if a Font is selected using this tool, then the selected Font will supersede the Font selected in the theme.
This is used to change the size of the text. As with the Fonts above, the size of the texts are controlled by the fonts selected for the text type in the theme applied to the page. But if a a different text size is selected using this tool, then the selected size will supersede the text size selected in the theme.
This is used to designate the text type for the text used on the page. For example, you can use this to designate text as being a Heading or as Normal text. This will then automatically apply the Heading or Normal text font settings as designated in the theme applied to the page. Please note that the Font and Size settings will override the text font settings in the theme.
This is used to adjust the alignment of the text. It can also be applied to images and to items inside Tables.
Clear Formatting
Removes any formatting inherent in the selected text. Sometimes formatting that has been added to text or was inherited when the text was pasted into the content field will cause a conflict with the rendering of the text or page. Clearing the formatting from the text will usually clear up such issues.
The Source tool is used to display the HTML code used in the content field. This allows advanced users to directly edit the HTML code of the the custom page or blog post. It also allows for the use of HTML tools not provided in the Formatting Toolbar.
Please note: Editing source code requires knowledge of Web programming and is not covered by Zenfolio support.
This is used to maximize the size of the editing window so that it takes up the entire browser window. Click the same button to go back to the previous view.
Paste Options
Controls how items in the clipboard are pasted into the Custom page.
Paste pastes the text just as it is stored in the clipboard
Paste as Plain Text pastes the text without formatting
Paste from Word pastes the text while retaining Word formatting
Bold / Italic / Underline / Strikethrough
These are used to toggle these text emphasis options.
Text Color / Text Background Color
These are used to change the color of the selected text or to change the color of the background of the selected text. If not applied, the text will use the settings as selected in the theme applied to the page.
This tool is used for creating a numbered list or a bulleted list.
This tool is used to add and remove indentation from your text.
This tool is used to create Hyperlinks on the page. You can create a link to other pages in your site, to external websites and to anchors on the same Custom Page or blog post.
This tool is used to create an Anchor in the Custom Page or Blog Post. Anchors are like reference points in a page. Anchors provide a great way to locate specific information that a visitor may want to look at on your website. Once an Anchor is created, a link may be created to that anchor, as a quick way to access that information within the content of the page.
This tool is used to create Tables on the page. Tables are a great way to organize the content of your custom page as it allows you to create rows and columns for controlling the placement of that content. Text, images, videos, slideshows and embedded content can be placed into Tables. See this link for more on creating Tables.
Insert Horizontal Line
This is a simple way to add a visual separator between pieces of information