Contact Information includes details that can be used by your site visitors to contact you.
You can edit your contact info at any time by following these steps:
- In your account, hover your mouse over your user name and click on Account
- Then, on the left side of the page, click on Contact Information
- On the Contact Information page, add any information you want to provide (i.e. Address, Phone number, contact email, etc.)
- Click Save once you've made all your changes.
It is highly recommended that your Contact Information be displayed somewhere on your site. Otherwise, your site visitors (such as potential new clients) will not have any way of contacting you.
At a minimum, we recommend that you provide your contact email address.
The contact information can be displayed in the homepage when the Classic Layouts are applied.
The contact information is also displayed in the Contact Page. See this guide for how to customize your Contact Page.
See this guide on how to submit the links to your Social Media pages.