We really hate to see you go, but if you do need to cancel your subscription, feel free to click the button below. Once you click it, a new browser window will open.
Use the messaging widget at the bottom-right of the page to let us know you need to cancel your account, and we’ll ask you a few questions to kick off the process. Once your request has been submitted, a support agent will follow up to confirm receipt of your request within 2 business days. If further assistance is needed while requesting cancellation, you may be passed to a real support agent during our chat support hours (Monday-Thursday 6am-5pm PT).
Account Cancellation FAQ
Can I receive a refund for my account when cancelling?
As per the agreed to Terms of Service, subscription sales are non-refundable. However, in extraordinary circumstances, we may address refunds on a case by case basis. For further assistance please contact support.
Will I be able to continue accessing my uploaded content?
Once an account closes, all access to the account is disabled. However, the content of the account is not immediately deleted from Zenfolio. It is highly recommend that you keep backup storage of your content outside of Zenfolio. If you need to recover a closed account shortly after the closure, please contact support for further assistance.
PLEASE NOTE: As per our Terms of Service, Zenfolio is not intended to act as the only storage space for your content, and the uploaded content is not permanently stored with Zenfolio. Zenfolio accounts are placed in a non-recoverable state, and content is permanently deleted, if left in a closed state. |
Can all content within the account be downloaded at once?
It is not possible to download all content at one time – uploaded content can be downloaded per Gallery. Please see this support guide for more information about download back your uploaded content.
Can the account be placed on hold, until i'm able to return?
If you need to cancel or make changes to your account, our Support team will be happy to assist. While it’s not possible to place an account on a hold status temporarily, we do have flexible plan options that may be a fit for your needs. Please contact our Support team for assistance.
I received an unauthorized automatic charge for renewal, why did this happen?
As per our Terms of Service, all Zenfolio accounts are automatically renewed on the expiration date of the account. If an account is needing to be closed, we do ask that you use the cancellation request above, or contact support for assistance, at least 2 business days prior to renewal.
Please Note: Having an expired card on file is not an appropriate proof of intent to cancel. If the credit card on file for your account is expired, the card issuing bank may provide the payment processor with updated information to complete the charge. This is a service offered by the bank that has issued your card. If you do not wish for this automatic update service, please contact your bank. |
How do I disable automatic renewal, or cancel the account, within the account itself?
Disabling automatic renewal, or cancelling the account, is not possible within the account itself. If you intend to not renew your Zenfolio account, we do ask that you contact us at least 2 business days prior to renewal. Due to the risk of permanent deletion of account content, we want to be sure that the possible results of cancellation are confirmed prior to taking this action on your account.
Before you go, check out the following services we offer that may just be all you need to make Zenfolio the perfect host for your website!
Want to make more money with your photography?
Here’s an excellent article that highlights one of our most popular selling features: the Pre-Order feature.
Or click the link below for a free one-on-one session where you can learn more about this powerful tool and how to make it work for you!