Exclusive to Advanced subscribers.
When setting up Packages, you can choose to pre-select an image and product that will be automatically included when the package is purchased.
The most popular use of this feature is for including a print, such as an 8X10 print, of a group photo with the package. So for example, when a student purchases the package, the package will automatically include the 8X10 print with a group photo of the student's class.
Adding a Pre-selected Photo and Product to a Package
This requires three steps:
- Adding the Product to the Package
- Designating the Product as the product that will used with the Pre-selected Photo
- Designate the Pre-selected Photo using a Keyword
1. Adding the Product to the Package
After creating the Package, click Add Products.
The list of available products will be displayed. You can then select the product you would like to add to the Package.
See this guide for more detailed steps on how add products to a Package and how to create a new Package.
Also make sure to add the Package to a Price List and make sure that the Price List is assigned to the gallery or galleries that contain the clients' photos.
2. Designating the Product as the Product that will used with the Pre-selected Photo
After adding the product, you can designate it as the product that will use the pre-selected photo.
That is done by checking the box for Preselect the photo for this product using keyword under the desired product.
After checking the box, the keywords field will autofill with 'preselectproduct'. You can choose to use this keyword or enter your own keyword.
The keyword must be between 4 to 50 characters long and can only contain alphanumeric numbers.
This keyword is used to designate the image to be pre-selected for this product.
3. Designate the Pre-selected Photo using a Keyword
To designate the Pre-selected Photo, add the keyword to the pre-selected photo's keywords field.
That can be done:
- Before uploading the image to Zenfolio by adding the keyword to the image's keywords field in the image's IPTC data.
- During upload by using Jeffrey Friedl's Lightroom plugin to upload the image to Zenfolio with the desired keyword.
- After Uploading the image to Zenfolio. That is done by by editing the image's Photo Details in the Toolbox. See below.
For Zenfolio users that signed up after May 10 2018, please see the updated instructions below
- In your account, go to Photos
- In the Organizer column on the left side of the page, select the Gallery containing the image you want to pre-select
- Select the image
- Click on Details while the photo is selected
- The Details column will appear on the right side, add the keyword you want to use in the package to pre-select this image.
See this link for more details on how to edit the image's keywords.
Store the Pre-selected Photo in the Same Gallery
In addition the keywords, the pre-selected photo must be stored in the same gallery that contains the images that the client is purchasing.
So for example, if the image is of a class photo, the class photo must be uploaded to and kept in the same gallery that contains the students' individual images.
If the students' images are stored in separate galleries, you'll need to store a copy of the pre-selected photo in each student's gallery for the pre-selectec photo to be automatically included when the package is purchased.
If needed, feel free to use the Move tool to move the image to the correct gallery or the Copy tool to copy the group image from one gallery to another.
Adding more than one Pre-selected Product and Photo
It is possible to add more than one pre-selected product and photo to each package.
- First add each product then check the box for Preselect the photo for this product using keyword under each product.
- Then choose a unique keyword for each product.
- Then lastly, make sure to add each pre-selected product's keywords to the keywords of the image that corresponds to the product.
For example, you can add both a free 4X6 photo and also an 8X10 group photo to the same Package.
You can use the default keyword of preselectproduct for the 4X6 and a custom keyword of preselectproduct8X10 for the 8X10.
You will then need to add the keyword of preselectproduct to the image in the gallery that should be printed on the 4X6, then add the keyword of preselectproduct8X10 to the image that should be printed on the 8X10.
Pre-selected Product and Photo FAQ
Why should I use this feature?
As a photographer, you may want to offer an incentive for your clients to buy packages by offering a pre-selected product with the package. For example, if you are a school photographer, you may want to offer a free group class photo with your package. This feature enables you to do that.
What types of products can I pre-select?
All products types (Partner Vendor Fulfilled products, Digital Download products and Self Fulfilled products) are available for the photographer to choose as the pre-selected product. However we recommend staying with the same product type as what is offered in the Package to help avoid client confusion.
For example, if most of the products in the package are vendor-fulfilled prints, then the pre-selected product or products should be vendor-fulfilled prints as well.
How many pre-selected products can I add to a Package?
There is no limit to the number of products that can be added as the pre-selected products in the package. There is also no limit on the total quantities of each pre-selected product.
How many photos can I pre-select with each package?
The photographer is able to pre-select one image for each pre-selected product in the package. Each pre-selected product and image must use a unique keyword combination.
Can I pre-select photos for a multi-image products (i.e. collages, memory mate, etc.)?
No, pre-selected products cannot be applied to multi-image products like Memory Mates & Collages.
Can I add the same keyword to multiple images?
While the system will allow you to add the same keyword to multiple images, only the oldest image in the gallery that uses the keyword will be applied as the pre-selected image for the pre-selected product.
If my client is not happy with the product or the photo, can they change it?
The product and the photo are pre-selected by the photographer. It will not be possible for the client to choose a different image for the pre-selected product. They'll need to contact the photographer to request a different image if the photographer provides this option.
The photographer can then choose to either designate a different image as the pre-selected image or edit the pending order and change the image during the Pending Order Approval process.
What is the recommended gallery structure when using this feature?
Since the pre-selected photo must be contained within the same gallery from which the other photos are being ordered, it is recommended that all images are contained in a single gallery.
So for example, all photos of students from a single class should be contained in one gallery. The group photo (that is to be used as the pre-selected photo) should be contained within this group.
Otherwise, if you're using a different gallery for each student, it will require containing a copy of the group photo in each student's gallery.