You can change the order in which groups, galleries, collections and photos are displayed on your site.
This guide covers changing the display order or sorting of groups, galleries and collections.
See this link for how to sort photo and videos in a Gallery or Collection.
You can automatically sort Groups, Galleries and Collections by:
- By Date Created
- By Date Modified
- By Title
- Keeping Groups first/last/mixed
- You may sort these by Ascending/Descending order
- You can also use manual sorting
To Change the Sort Order in the Original Photos Page
- Go to the Photos section of your account.
- Select any Group, Gallery, or Collection you would like to edit by either selecting it in the Organizer or double-clicking it in the Main Area. Thumbnails will load in the Main Area and the name of the item will display at the top.
- In the upper right side of the photos menu, it will show the current sort order - click on the sort order to open a drop down menu.
- Select the sort order you want. The items will automatically re-order based on your selection.
- Using the down-arrow showing the increasing bars, you can change the order to ascend or descend.
For Zenfolio users that signed up after May 10 2018, please see the updated instructions below
To Change the Sort Order in the New Photos Page
- Go to the Photos section of your account
- Select any Group, Gallery, or Collection you would like to edit by either selecting it in the Organizer or double-clicking it in the Main Area. Thumbnails will load in the Main Area and the name of the item will display at the top.
- In the upper right side, click on the sort order to open a drop down menu which will display the current sort order
- Select whether you want the items contained to be sorting in Ascending (A-Z) or Descending (Z-A) order.
- Select the sort order you want. The items will automatically re-order based on your selection.
- Choose where you'd like Groups to appear. (Only be available when adjusting the sorting of a Group)
Manually order
You can fine-tune sorting by manually shifting group, gallery, collection and photo thumbnails to the desired position.
Select the thumbnail of the item you would like to shift and while holding down the mouse button drag it to the desired position and release the mouse button
You can change the position of multiple photographs at the same time by selecting them first using multiple item selection and then dragging them to the desired position and then release the mouse button.
You can select multiple items by holding down the Control Key (Command Key on a Mac) on your keyboard then clicking on the desired items.
You can also see a demo on how to organize galleries and photos in this tutorial video.