Galleries are what hold the photos and videos in your account. When uploading photos and videos, the photos and videos are placed into a new or existing gallery.
Each gallery has a website view that is used to present online the images it contains. The gallery's website view includes a thumbnails page, photo page and gallery slideshow, all of which are customizable via Customize Website View.
Below is a website View of a gallery.
Galleries cannot be subdivided into multiple galleries. To organize your photos, you can create multiple galleries for each category and organize them using groups.
Every gallery can have a description including title, caption, category, and keywords. The text used in the description helps greatly with your site's Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
An assigned cover thumbnail visually represents each gallery. The first image in the gallery will be automatically used as the cover thumbnail but you can use any other photos by assigning as the new cover thumbnail.
Galleries can be moved from one group to another for easy organization. A gallery can be added to a list of Featured Galleries, and the website view of a gallery can be previewed and customized.
You can control access to the entire gallery or individual photographs inside the gallery.
All galleries will have their own unique web address (URL) that can be used to access the gallery through a web browser. You can find the direct link (URL) to the gallery in the Share panel. You can also invite visitors to the gallery by sending a gallery invite from your account.
See this link for how to upload photos and video to a gallery.
Gallery menu
The Gallery Menu gives you quick access to common tasks. It is available on mouse-over anywhere a gallery thumbnail is visible in the Main Area.
To access the menu in the Main Area:
- In your account, go to Photos.
- Locate the Group that contains the Gallery, in the Organizer on the left-hand side. Select that Group.
- Hover your mouse pointer over the thumbnail of the Gallery. A dropdown arrow will appear to open a menu. Click on that dropdown arrow button.
Many of the operations described in the Help sections can be accessed through this menu, including:
- Open (this is the same as double-clicking a group to open it)
- Edit Description
- Move
- Delete
- Hide from Visitors
Other common tasks are:
- Create
- Sort
- Previewing in Website View
- Hiding from Public View
- Selecting a Photo as a cover thumbnail
- Applying a random cover thumbnail